Health and digital
Health and digital Digital transformation is affecting all economic sectors and, not surprisingly, the pharmaceutical
The CNAM gives us its opinion on the Health Data Hub project
Data Hub Santé, where are we with the migration ?
Digital sovereignty, a national defense issue!
Geopolitics the blind spot of French industrial strategy ?
La défense nourrit les ambitions créatrices
Photonis, the conclusion of a saga?
Industry 4.0
3D printing, a path for industry relocation
L’impression 3D, cela fait plusieurs années que cette technologie émergente fait parler d’elle. De nombreux cas d’usage ont démontré sa plus-value. Cependant elle n’a pas encore transformé de façon drastique notre façon de produire. La pandémie Covid-19 va-t-elle accélérer un processus déjà enclenché ?
All branches of the industry without exception are affected by the digital transformation. We are now talking about industry 4.0
The micro-cloud of Blyes, an example of hunting in packs
Digital sovereignty the French negligence!
Hexatrust’s view on the Cyber risk in France
Finance & Economy
Environment et Energy
Invalidation of the Privacy Shield, what impact on our payment methods ?
Online Payment solutions, a sovereignty issue?
In the financial digital innovation sector, France also has a rich ecosystem. However, as with many of our start-ups, how many will survive and especially how many will survive and remain under the French flag.
When innovation can solve the plastics waste problem
Faced with environmental challenges, many debates are taking place on the need to review our model of society and in particular our consumption model. In this article, we will not touch on the thorny ideological debate, which encloses each camp in the feeling that only it holds the truth.
Hydrogen, the energy of tomorrow
Energy has always been a major issue of sovereignty. Environmental problems, technological and scientific advances will eventually allow us to get rid of fossil fuels, even if this change will be much longer than we might wish.
Energy, a key subject in Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation
The micro-cloud of Blyes, an example of hunting in packs
Blyes, a municipality which takes back the hand on its numerical
Digital transformation the blind spot in the pension discussion?