
The Digital Rendez-vous

Jamespot’s Spanish adventure

Digital Rendez-vous A program produced by Effisyn S.D.S., broadcast and hosted on Smartrezo Alain Garnier talks about Jamespot’s Spanish adventure In this new episode of

Interview with Arthur Bataille about Neverhack

Digital Rendez-vous A program produced by Effisyn S.D.S. and broadcast and hosted on Smartrezo. Interview with Arthur Bataille about Neverhack In this new program broadcast

Interview with Jean-Noël De Galzain

Digital Rendez-Vous Interview with Jean-Noël de Galzain about Wallix In this latest edition of “Rendez-vous du Numérique“, produced by Effisyn S.D.S. and broadcast on the

Interview with David Fayon [June 29, 2023]

The digital Rendez-vous Interview with digital expert David Fayon [June 29, 2023] In this latest issue of Rendez-vous du numérique d’Effisyn SDS , we’re featuring

Digital RDV – Dignilog [15 June 23]

The Digital Rendez-vous Interviw of Pascal Vautrin de Dignilog [15 June 23] In this latest episode of Rendez-Vous du Numérique by Effisyn SDS, Pascal Vautrin

Interview with William Méauzoone

The Digital Rendez-vous William Méauzoone talk about Leviia   Effisyn SDS brings you a new issue of “Rendez-vous du numérique“. In this interview, William Méauzoone

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