Digital Editorial - October 31, 2022
The most important news of the week for the French digital industry was the announcement of the arrival of a fourth player in the trusted cloud in France. We had the announcements #Bleu (Microsoft-Orange), #S3NS (Thales-Google), then the association AWS-Atos … All players allying themselves with American scalers. However, this is a shaky set-up, as the objective of protecting oneself from the extra-territoriality of American laws is not achieved, as a Dutch law firm has shown!
The originality of the newcomer is that not only will it be labeled “Trusted Cloud” but above all it will be sovereign! Indeed, the players who have joined forces to provide this #numspot offer are the French Outscale (Dassault Système), Docapost (La Poste) and Bouygues Telecom. Moreover, these players already offer robust services in the management of health data!
So, I want to believe that the migration of our French health data warehouse (formerly HDH – Health Data Hub), will be able to migrate quickly from #microsoft to #numspot, the arguments in favor of #microsoft not only no longer hold, but the danger representing the storage of French health data is major and unacceptable!
So nice news, to be continued!