Effisyn-sds is an online public communication site published on a non-professional basis within the meaning of article 6, III, 2 ° of law 2004-575 of June 21, 2004. The owner of this site is Emmanuel Mawet, who owns the Effisyn SDS trademark registered with the INPI under number: 20 4 617 700
It is hosted by O2Switch SARL with a capital of € 100,000 – RCS: Clermont-Ferrand – SIRET: 510 909 80700024 – VAT: FR35510909807 – The o2switch brand is registered INPI under number 09 3 645 729.

In a logic of respect for the privacy of its users, Effisyn-sds undertakes that the collection and processing of personal data, carried out within this site, be carried out in accordance with law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, known as “Computing and Liberties” law as amended in 2004. In accordance with the “Computing and Liberties” law as well as the General Data Protection Regulation entered into application on May 25, 2018, Effisyn-sds guarantees the User a right of opposition, access, rectification and deletion on personal data concerning him.

Contact: contact@effisyn-sds.com

The www.effisyn-sds.com site is protected by the legislation in force on intellectual property rights and applicable international conventions. Any unauthorized reproduction is liable to prosecution for counterfeiting.

This site has no commercial use. Texts, images, videos are the property of their authors – unless otherwise stated – and are made available under the terms of the Creative Commons license (Attribution: no commercial use, sharing under the same conditions – 4.0 International). It is prohibited to reproduce, represent, transfer, distribute, or record all or part of these works or texts or elements subject to copyright, in any form whatsoever, without mentioning the author concerned, as source of the element in the presentation of your content, and it is prohibited to make commercial use of it.

For the translation of its pages into English and Japanese, we use the free version of the European tool DeepL. This tool convinced us and offers relevant translations, do not hesitate to send us your remarks to contact@effisy-sds.com

Publication Director : Emmanuel Mawet