In a previous article, I talked about the sovereign strategy. To build its digital sovereignty strategy, one of the pillars is hosting.
This is a key element that now needs to be reviewed in light of the invalidation of the Privacy Shield.. In this article I will try to outline two possible strategies, each with its advantages and disadvantages.
Non-sovereign Hosting
From a purely legal point of view, linked to the invalidation of the Privacy Shield, and the recommendations of the CNIL (Le monde Informatique), in order to protect oneself from American laws, it is advisable to store one’s data with several providers by encrypting them. The encryption keys must be stored in the European Union. It is even recommended that none of the providers be able to reconstruct the complete data.
As we can see, this approach can quickly become complex and costly to implement. I would be surprised, even if I don’t have any figures, if this approach is favored. One can even imagine that many players have not yet taken the right measure of the legal risk and are rather taking a wait-and-see attitude. Fortunately, there are other possibilities.
Sovereign Hosting
The second option is to favor French or European hosting companies. I will focus on French solutions, and here again I will not pretend to be exhaustive.
As we will see, there are a large number of players of varying sizes offering a variety of solutions.
The range goes from small players, even start-ups with innovative concepts, to well-known and recognized players.
Among the established international players, we find companies such as OVH Cloud, Scaleway (Iliad Group), Outscale (3DS) and Orange Cloud.
Each of these players has serious assets to be an alternative to the use of American cloud services (Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS) or even Chinese.
- Whatever the choice of the solution, a set of parameters must be taken into account:
- The cost: I put it first, because unfortunately it is often the main or even the only driver of the decision…
- Reversibility: indeed, whatever the actor you choose, will it be easy for you to get out of it and go to another one or to reinternalize?
- Functionalities: what are the functionalities offered? Are they all at the same level, do you really need optional features “offered”? Avoid being lured by “sexy” features that you will never use!
- Your legal exposure: what law does your decision subject you to?
- What is the currency of the contract? We often forget this but drawing up contracts in dollars exposes you to the extraterritoriality of American laws. For large European groups, it is time to impose contracts in euros…
- Availability / proximity of support and ease of communication with your supplier.
- The geographical location of the Data Centers
Here again, the list is not exhaustive, but it can help you realize that the right solution is not necessarily the one that is presented to you in a sexy way on a set of PowerPoint slides…
Here is a cartography of the main French hosting actors, this cartography is probably not complete, but already gives a vision of the richness of our ecosystem.
Mapping of hosting companies
Vates propose de la virtualisation "Open Source"
Thésée DataCenter propose un hébergement sécurisé de vos données (Ouest Parisien).
Tresorio, propose une solution cloud pour vos calculs éco-responsable.
OVHcloud acteur français reconnu internationalement, certifié HDS (Hébergement Données de Santé)
Opérateur de la santé connectée, Euris accompagne les industriels du secteur de la santé dans la mise en œuvre de projets cloud et digitaux.
Be Ys Cloud est une solution d'hébergement cloud française sécurisée dès sa conception, conçue pour l'hébergement de données sensibles
Propose des solutions d'hébergement avec une solide expérience du secteur de la santé.
Partenaire stratégique de Dassault, fournit un service cloud au niveau international
Filiale numérique de la Poste proposant des solutions d'hébergements adaptées. Certifiées HDS
Fournisseurs de Data Centers certifiés notamment HDS.
Au cœur de l'Occitanie, un site neutre et ouvert résilient, hautement sécurisé et éco-efficace.
ATOS, une ESN française qui fait partie des 10 plus grandes mondiales, propose de l'infogérance et de l'hébergement (certifié HDS)
Groupe numérique à forte implication sociale dans sa région, la Bretagne, propose des solutions d'hébergements certifiées HDS
Agora Calycé, vous fournit et déploie de façon cohérente et décomplexée les solutions à vos problématiques d’hébergement (Certifiée HDS)
Adista est une société offrant des solutions d'hébergement responsable (certification HDS)
Solution de backup de vos hébergements. Solution reconnue par le Gartner...
Propose de la colocation de baie pour l'hébergement d'infrastructure.
Clever Cloud est une société proposant du Paas. Les technologies peuvent être déployées soit sur le Cloud Premium (Hébergement souverain?) ou "on Premise"
Thales propose des solutions Cloud et d'infogérance, et est reconnu dans le domaine de la défense. Est aussi certifié HDS.
Un service d’infogérance OVH et Online 24h/24 pour un maximum de sérénité et de tranquillité : serveur dédié, cloud publique, cloud dédié, SDDC
Exaion, une filiale d'EDF propose des solutions d'hébergement sur ses propres Data Center et la mise à disposition de supercalculateurs.
Solution cloud spécialisé pour les métiers de la comptabilité et d'Audit
Spécialiste de l'hébergement web propose différentes solutions cloud basées sur ces Data Centers.
Propose un service cloud abordable pour les TPE.
Nuxit propose des solutions variées d'hébergement sur ses data centers localisés en France.
Propose différents services cloud et d'hébergements dans ses propres Data Centers souverains
Orange opérateur Télécom de stature internationale propose des services d'hébergements sur des infrastructures françaises ou internationales...
Scaleway est un fournisseur de IaaS, possède 4 Data Centers en France et un en Hollande.
Propose une palette complète de services allant de l'enregistrement de nom de domaine à l'hébergement et en passant par l'édition de certificat.
Société proposant à la fois des solutions d'hébergement dans ses propres data centers en France et société Télecom
Propose la possibilité d'héberger contenu informatif, blog ou marketplace sur son réseau social nouvelle génération.
Offre une plateforme cloud qui permet au client de s'affranchir des problèmes de maintenance infrastructure.
Société à forte expertise sur les aspects infrastructure, notamment stockage flash.
Partenaire stratégique de Dassault, fournit un service cloud au niveau international
Why choose a sovereign hosting?
This is a naive question that few French companies, regardless of their sector of activity, ask themselves. It is even regrettable that many of our digital nuggets have not asked themselves the question in these terms, and this can have different consequences more or less unfortunate in the long term …
We can cite the example of Amazon which is launching a teleconsultation and appointment booking service, which certainly for the moment has little chance of establishing itself in Europe, but becomes a competitor of #Doctolib which is hosted by AWS (Amazon). We can ask ourselves the question of the judiciousness of this choice in the end?
The other angle from which we could start to look at these choices is the angle of the policy of Social and Environmental Responsibility (SER) that a certain number of large groups claim. Isn’t it the social responsibility of large groups to allow the French ecosystem to develop and mature with them? It seems that the Germans have an economic fabric that is more used to working in synergy…
The last point, which is important once again, is that working with a French hosting company means that you are under the French legal system, which is certainly more restrictive, but much more protective, particularly in terms of data protection with the RGPD. This is also a commercial argument that can reassure your customers.
You won’t be surprised if I favor hosting with a sovereign player. The arguments are rather solid, and I refuse the short-term accounting approach which does not necessarily allow to judge the real cost of the #gafam solutions, too many parameters not being taken into account… Moreover, the economic parameters alone should not direct the decision.
It is the responsibility of all French economic actors, public or private, to favor national actors, in particular to create and maintain a pool of skills that are essential to tomorrow’s economy, but also of consumers with the purchasing power to consume the proposed products and services…